Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mommy's sweet baby!


Anonymous said...

cutie :-} where are you at? and you're lookin' good Tessa! You're such a photographic person...
make sure to post some pics when you get to Utah,will ya?! If I didnt' have Deidra and Jodi here, I'd sure be jealous you get to go live by Lynsey and hang out... okay, so I'm still a little jealous :-}

Eowyn said...

Wow....she's getting so big!! So adorable!! Gah, I miss you guys lots.

Lisa B. said...

cute! she's adorable

FOUST said...

The pics turned out so good from last night! And the ones of you and Jade look so cute!Thank you for being the prepared little momma with the camera in your bag.